To further support guests skin and nail health, The W Nail Bar has partnered with HUM Nutrition, to bring a variety of vitamin and supplements to store for purchase.  

  1. Why did founders Chris and Walter create HUM Nutrition?

Our co-founder Walter struggled with acne and tried everything…

Finally, a nutritionist suggested a different approach: introducing specific nutrients into his diet and eliminating certain food groups. Over time, Walter’s skin cleared up for good, his energy levels improved, and an idea was sparked: this approach could help other people, too!

Since 2012, HUM pioneered beauty from within: clean, clinically proven nutrients formulated to address ultra-specific concerns in skin, hair, body, and mood. Plus, free access to RD nutritionists – the same expertise that led to Walter’s results.

With personalized routines, expert nutrition advice and joyful bottles - we reimagined every step of vitamin expertise

 HUM Nutrition Founder

  1. What makes HUM Nutrition different from other vitamin supplement brands?

Our formula: Joy + Science!

Feeling good feels good. Pops of color, witty names, delightful monthly themes, and uplifting content are just some of the ways we inspire people to start within and support their wellness journey along the way. We distill the latest nutritional research from credible sources into actionable knowledge.

The outcome? Clinically proven nutrients, expert formulations, science-backed tips and free nutritionist advice.

HUM Nutrition Ingredients

  1. What are HUM Nutrition’s most popular products and why?

Daily Cleanse: Clear skin starts from within. We combined the Who’s Who of the botanical world in Daily Cleanse to help detox your largest organ (the skin), as well as the liver, bowel, kidneys, lungs and lymphatic system. Detox and cleanse from deep inside!

Hair Sweet Hair: Ready for a sweet treat? Hair Sweet Hair has a unique combination of clinically researched nutrients for stronger, healthier hair including: Biotin, Zinc, B12, PABA (helps maintain hair color), Folic Acid (beneficial for hair growth) and Fo-Ti (a root used in Chinese Medicine for healthy hair). Best of all, our gummies are vegan and berrylicious. Sweet!

  1. Is there a HUM Nutrition product that helps support nail health?

Our high potency biotin supplement Killer Nails helps strengthen nails and support thickness. Plus, it can help reduce nail splitting and breakage! 

  1. What is HUM Nutrition’s go-to product to promote overall wellness?

Daily Cleanse is perfect for anyone looking to improve their overall wellness. It combines microalgae with minerals and antioxidants to deliver clear skin and support the body’s detox systems.  
