Hi, we’re Manda and Lauren, two Ohio-born sisters who created and opened The W Nail Bar in 2015. As midwest girls who grew up in a family-owned business, we always knew one day we wanted to start one of our own. So, when the day finally came to decide what that business should be, we settled on a chic and sustainable nail salon. For us, creating The W was about filling a void we saw in the market with a clean, fun and customer service based nail salon. Along with that, we wanted to create a safe space for nail techs to not only work, but feel valued and cared for. And that’s exactly what we did! Since opening our doors in 2015, we’ve created our own products, launched eight new stores (9 total and counting!), became partners with DSW, rolled out our official membership, and so much more. But none of this would be possible without our loyal, amazing clients (that’s you!) who believe in the importance of cleanliness and top-notch customer service. And how could we ever forget about our incredible team? These top-notch babes have played a HUGE part in our success—that because they’re completely dedicated to treating you like a queen. They’re connecting with each other and clients at a different level…which is exactly why we’re here today.

What was the most exciting part of 2019, both personally and professionally?

L - Professionally, opening 5 new shops is 60 days (whew)! Launching our product line. Offering health insurance to our team members. Personally, checking off some big items on my bucket list. M - The most exciting part of 2019 professionally was finally bringing our concept to new cities. Personally, I’m just grateful for another amazing year with our beautiful family.

What was it like opening so many stores in one year? What challenges did you face along the way? How did you stay sane amidst the chaos?

M - I think I just learned to lighten up. I really changed for the better by not taking myself so seriously. And then truly realizing fear and worry never changed the outcome of any situation. Oh, and I will add we stop to eat now, get a massage, laugh, sleep. Things we just used to plow through in the past. I may eat in my car some days, but I’m not missing a meal for nothing! L - Totally echo Manda here. It was wild!! (insert roller coaster emoji lol). Growing and scaling has been one of the most challenging, exhilarating, & rewarding things we’ve done with our business.

Biggest pinch-me moment in your career?

Both - Everyday of our life is a pinch me moment and I mean that. If you take time to stand back and take it all in it’s really incredible. So much to be in awe of. This is really our life, I get to wake up everyday and work with my sister on something we love so much.

Looking back on 2019, what are you most thankful for?

Both - We are most thankful for our family. Everyday, every year. And then our teams. We love our employees so much. This company is nothing without them. And of course- DSW, they changed our life!

What’s your biggest goal for The W Nail Bar?

Both - To offer jobs to 1000 people. Provide a safe, fun, inspiring environment that our team can flourish. Also have 500+ shops & become the Starbucks of nails.

What advice do you have for aspiring female entrepreneurs?

L - Just to go for it. There will never be the “right time” to pursue your dreams. And when you make the jump, be ready to work like hell. You have to be willing to put everything else on hold in life and throw yourself completely into your company. M - wow, that’s a big one. Really understand your why. Why are you doing this, what’s your end game? You better be clear on why because you will be tested & exhausted. And then truly understand this is not glamorous. It’s nose to the grindstone hard work.

What does the future hold for The W Nail Bar in 2020? Any juicy gossip you can share?

Wow - that’s a loaded question. The future of The W is going to be so major. We are working on some reallyyyyy top secret projects. 2020 is going to be SO huge for us...One thing to know about Manda & I is we go hard. We don’t settle & we keep pushing in every aspect of our business & life. So again, THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts. We feel so lucky that after four years in business we are able to add a new dimension to our brand that has energized our team of talented techs—and, in turn, has energized the best customer-base around—YOU! Sincerely, Manda & Lauren Founders of The W Nail Bar